Alabama's Talent Triad
The Alabama Talent Triad supports growth opportunities and a skills-based economy designed to benefit students, job seekers, employers, and education & training providers through:
Skill-Based Job Generator
Employers can create customized job descriptions that help discover potential candidates. The skill-based job description lets you create templates to make the process of creating job descriptions easier.
Digital Wallet
Individuals can manage and curate their learning and employment records in a single place. With the collection of skills, credentials, and experiences, individuals can be left with better job opportunities.
Credential Registry
Discover & explore learning opportunities and pathways through our robust credential registry by navigating through open linked data that showcases required, related and equivalent credentials, helping you find the learning opportunities that best suit your needs.
State Leaders
You know how critical skills-based hiring is today and how important it is going to be in coming years. In conjunction with competency-based education programs to support skills-based hiring, the Alabama Talent Triad has created a foundation for supporting our budding skills-based economy.
The Talent Triad has been established to support job seekers in their efforts to find the most advantageous employment, as well as help employers fill in-demand jobs. By bringing together employers & industry partners, education & training providers, and policymakers, Alabama has established a coalition and technical infrastructure that is unmatched as the first true skills-based hiring ecosystem.
In support of growing a skills-based economy beyond its borders, Alabama and its partners will be publishing play-by-play issue papers on the key elements of the Talent Triad here. Topics will include interoperability, the role of policy makers, employer engagement, the role of credential data and use of LERs, funding efforts, competency ontologies, and more.
We invite you to connect with the Alabama Talent Triad team to explore how this work can support transformation in your state and find opportunities to collaborate. We stand ready to find connections to your current efforts and are open to sharing as much as possible so that together we can achieve more for our citizens.
Reach out to us to learn more:
Talent Playbook
Issue 01: Building a Talent Marketplace - A Playbook for States
Building a Talent Marketplace - A Playbook for States
Alabama’s Talent Triad is a unique system, bringing together often disparate efforts to create value and impact for the state’s workforce and economy. Driven by Alabama’s Governor’s Office and...
Issue 02: Interoperability
Scaling Statewide Talent Development Systems: the Alabama Model
No workforce or education digital tool that seeks to facilitate mobility can succeed if it operates in isolation. Interoperability, the ability of data systems to...
Issue 03: Employer Engagement
Alabama’s Talent Marketplace: Technology and Data Tools for the People of Alabama
The Talent Triad is a public-private partnership, sponsored by the Governor’s Office of Education and Workforce Transformation, to increase the number of...
Issue 04: The Role of Credential Data
Transparency, Quality, and Functionality: The Role of Credential Data in the Alabama Talent Triad
Over the last few decades, the economy has been undergoing transformation that requires more skilled labor than ever before in the U.S. In response...
Issue 05: State Role and Governance
State Role in Facilitating the Transition to a Skills-Based Economy
State governments have a critical responsibility in facilitating the transition of public infrastructure, built on advanced technology, to drive the economy by supporting the...
Issue 06: Competency Ontology
The movement to create digital wallets and records of credentials is significant.
However, only the Alabama Talent Triad has created a competency system designed to both describe the competencies gained by individual learners and verified by...
Join the Skill-Based Economy
We connect citizens across the state with local employment and training opportunities through its seven regional initiatives. The workforce development system helps state residents acquire the skills, training, and services they need to pursue in-demand jobs.